Thursday, January 19, 2017

Welcome to the "NEW" website/blog for the First Independent Methodist Church of Columbus, Mississippi.

Ours is a small congregation with a large heart of fellowship.  We love the Lord and seek to do His will.  Each Sunday we gather starting at 10:15 am, have a family group Bible study from about 10:00 am to 10:50 am, then Worship with preaching starts at 11:00 am and varies in length depending on the topic and congregational participation.

People ask us what makes us different as "Independent Methodists."

First, we are more like the "old-fashioned" methodists in many ways.  We believe the Bible and teach it without trying to re-write it to fit fads and trends.  We believe that humans are a race of lost souls because of individual sins and the rebellion of the whole race against our Creator.  Because of this lost condition, we are all in need of forgiveness if we are to have hope of an eternity of blessing and peace.  That forgiveness comes through God grace through our faith in Jesus Christ.

Secondly, we do not belong to a corporate denomination that controls our property or our pastors.  Instead, we belong to a cordial fellowship of like-minded believers and congregations called the Association of Independent Methodists.  Headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi with an Executive Director and small staff coordinating our national and international cooperative efforts, AIM member churches, though fewer in number than the larger church groups, share the gospel through missionaries, para-church organizations and affiliate preachers and congregations around the world.   Visit the AIM website at to learn more.

Third, we avoid being toss about with all of the theological and social fads that are degrading our society and shipwrecking so many churches.  To love others as Christ has loved us is not always easy.  Yet it is an imperative.  However, that does not mean that Christ expects us to accept behavior that is self-destructive and counter to the Heavenly Father's perfect will as expressed in the Bible.  While Christ, Himself, was ordinarily kind and compassionate toward almost everyone, He was never timid about addressing sinful attitudes and actions.  Because of His love for people, He spoke up so that they might know their need for redemption.

Fourth, we believe in holy living.  In God's Word there is an often repeated command from the Lord, "Be ye holy."  Historically, we methodists have been misunderstood because of a teaching traditional labeled as "Perfection."  Perhaps it might have been better if it had been labeled "Spiritual Maturity." While we will all, the most faithful of us, most likely continue in this life to fall short of the perfect sinless model set by Jesus Christ; as we grown in His grace and allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts, minds and lives, we will discover that we can indeed love the Lord, others, and even ourselves with a much greater effectiveness.  This is the type of "perfection." that methodists are really proclaiming, to be perfect in love, that is, mature in reflecting the love of Christ toward others. And this will translate into a more holy lifestyle, better behavior and attitudes, and a greater daily reward of blessings with inner peace.

2017 has begun and there will be much to share as it progresses.  Won't you join me and the congregation of the First Independent Methodist Church of Columbus, Mississippi with the blog, and at our Facebook page (

If you live in East Mississippi or West Alabama, visit with us at 417 Lehmberg Road in East Columbus.  We have members from both Mississippi and Alabama to welcome you.

Thank you for reading this post, may the Lord bless you and your family this day.
Rev. Gary E Shelton